Friday, May 27, 2011

Maha Mengasih dan Maha Penyayang

Alhamdulilah...praise to Allah...
rasa mcm still kat dlm mimpi....
when Dr Sharin announce my name "Dr Puteri Nurul Diyana", i stand proudly and i can't stop saying alhamdulillah repeatedly in my heart...
Sesungguhnya, DIA Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang...
And now, the responsibilities is mine...He had give me this amanah..
Thank you Allah...Insya Allah i'll do my best to give the best as a muslimah Dr..
and i'll also work hard to be the best servant of Yours Ya Allah...

i'll be Dr Puteri Nurul Diyana Bt Ahmad Ainuddin officially after the Bai'ah session this 1st June 2011...(even tho people had start calling me Dr now, its ok...cuz i like the feeling of hearing it) ;)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

the first time i cry because of u.....

i never felt like this before...
Alhamdulillah, for the past 5 yrs, i never cry after facing 'it'...
but yesterday, i can't hold back my tears anymore..
i feel very2 bad....i was hoping to get a second chance to redeem myself but i don't...
and i start to feel very2 sad...i manage to control my sadness until i'm in my room..
and i dad try to comfort me on the phone..
he said that this is not "me"...
he said that i'm a strong person and since this is the path that i choose, i have to be stronger...and accept all the possibilities that might happen...
but i'm sorry ayah, this little girl of urs is not as strong as she appears to be...
i'm sorry bcuz i worried u...and mama, tq for your faith in me...

now, all i can do is to pray to God to give the best to me...
because only HE knows what is the best for me...

"Ya Allah, berikanlah yang terbaik untuk ku...Sesungguhnya, Engkau Maha Pengasih lagi MAha penyayang..aminn"

**patiently waiting for the final result this evening**

Saturday, May 14, 2011


what is "mimpi"?
some of us might say
" is just a mainan tidur...not reliable langsung!"
"ko fikir byk sgt tu...tu la pasal sampai termimpi2.."
"hmph..tak basuh kaki la tu sebelum tido..." (ape la kaitan basuh kaki dan mimpi ek?mimpi kan dicontrol oleh, sepatutnya 'hmph..tak basuk OTAK la tu sebelum tidur!"..hahaha..)

yang lagi best if tanya kat budak skema/ science nerd. jawapannya adalah seperti berikut: "oh! mimpi adalah disebabkan oleh aktiviti otak yang berlebihan ketika tidur.apabila kita tidur, otak akan mengeluarkan gelombang2....bla..bla..bla...yada..yada..yada..." (betul tak? hehe)

and sometimes, we are not able to recall back about our dream..."ala, aku mimpi best semalam..tapi seriously aku tak ingat langsung what happen..tapi mmg best la...!"

but i believe that it is more than that...especially if u already ask for God's help to give u some signs and petunjuk upon deciding on something (i'm talking about those who performed solat istikharah earlier)..., nape tetiba nak cakap tentang mimpi ni? best sgt ker mimpi yg semalam tu?

yes! last night dream was awesome!! i dream i met my 'prince charming' (i had no idea who he is)! haha kelakar memang best...

again,i had no idea who he is...tak kenal and tak pernah jumpa pun...but he's handsome ok! (but now if u ask me, i can't really remember his face..haha)
met in the ward..he's the new Hos reporting for duty...
told me he is an alumni of MCKK (awesome!)..studied medicine in jogja...and the best part of the dream is, he went to my house to introduce himself to my mother and grandmas...(comel giler!!!)

tapi...ini semua hanya mimpi...diulangi.. HANYA MIMPI!!

tapi mimpi sampai tak nak bangun tau! hahaha..but what to do..dream is just a dream...have to wake up and come back into the reality...

well, thank u mimpi sbb anda bagi saya mimpi yg awesome mlm semalam..
walaupun malam semalam i'm not expecting for anything pun...
penat sgt tido lepas study for pro..(chewah...budget study hard la tu ;P)

oh, tak sabar nk tidur mlm ni plaks...wants to see what else "mimpi" wants to offer to me! ;P

satu tahun yang lalu

"satu tahun yang lalu, segalanya bermula....
kenangan manis diabadikan bersama...
alangkah bestnya di masa itu...
gembira. ketawa. sepanjang waktu...
kini semua terasa kembali...
saat indah kekal dihati...
walau kini hanya kenangan..
kenangan yang pasti tak akan ku lupakan

oh how i wish i could turn back time...i could still remember that feeling...being away from family for the very first time (outside m'sia i mean...siap across the sea lagi)
bile dah kat negeri orang, susah senang memang sentiasa bersama...many things that happened along the way...and we help and support each other...

-naik kijang and duduk kat boot belakang yg takde seat (seriously, walaupun pening, tapi best giler!)

-naik vios sampai berhimpit2 4 orang kat belakang (nasib baik semua slim2 aja..hehe)juge utk pergi jalan2...hehe...yeah..those sweet memory...

-jalan kaki sejauh 3 KM...singgah jap solat kat kampung berdekatan (masih teringat ibu2 yg br sahaja selesai solat, sementara menunggu imam membaca doa, mereka membuka telekung yg mereka sarung semata2 utk meminjamkan pd kami utk solat maghrib...i bet this situation won't happen in our country where "mind ur own business" is more prominent...seriously, time ni mmg terharu smpai mcm nak nanges pn ada..hehe

-"naik-turun" malioboro ntah berapa kali...menjadi pengkritik tetap time shopping and also time tawar menawar...

-pergi brunch bersama windy and the gang...everytime pun pergi makan ke kedai2 yg berlainan..oh, how lucky for us to hv the chance to know them..thanx to buku fadhil yg tertinggal kt RSUD bantul..menjadi punca perkenalan dgn windy...

-peristiwa di al-fath..."bilik persalinan dan ......"
oh! that's so embarrassing! until today, we didn't know whether he heard "it" or not...i can still remember the look on our face when we came out from the dressing room...haha...dare not to confess till today! ;P

-solat berjemaah bersama.... ;)

-i learn how to be patience from that person...really amazed with the way that person handle such problems/conflict! saat inilah bermula ...teetttt ;P

oh, so many good memories....

ya...ini semua berlaku setahun yang lalu.....

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

hati yang rosak...

heart is a very fragile organ .....
so, please handle with care....

(the rule of "once broken consider sold" yg ada kt kedai2 cenderamata kaca yg comel dan kiut-miut itu tersangatlah tak applicable here okay!)

so, don't simply give ur heart to anybody....
choose the most trusted person who can take care of it very well....

and i hope that i'll meet the person soon..

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

words can hurts...(and heal??)

well lets talk about words...
sometimes its amazed me about how God had created us...with brains that enable us to function and think and create such things as "words" for communication (in fact, i'm using it now! haha..wonder how would it be if there is no such things as words! now, can u feel like how i feel????amazing rite!)
but still, when it comes to something, there will always be the bright and the dark side
(blame ying and yang?? i guess not!)

well, the thing that trigger me to write this post when i was hurt by some words few days back...
yeah, some people are just not good in using them..i just don't understand...
(perlu bayarke untuk megeluarkan kata2 yang menyedapkan telinga yg mendengar??...well is it hard to talk something nice and more soothing to other people? why?why?? *sori..emo sikit**)

or is it bcuz of inferiority complex...(u know, the one that people talk bad to others just to make sure that they look/feel good about least they are keperasanan sorg2 la...**sorry..emo lagi!!**)
to make it worst, it came out from the person whom u like...huhu (takpe2..mungking dia tak bermaksud pun tu..tension agaknyer............................***but still!!!!ishh...emo lagi***)

well, thats why, people always say, before u open ur mouth, use ur brain...yeah..maybe the person is try to make a joke or a cynical remarks..but still!!!! i believe we are not that close enough yet, for u to talk to me like that...the most hated part is that i can't fight back..( i chose not to fight back...just smile and think how childish u r )...

ok la...enough then..better continue my exam is just around the corner...
p/s: well, i keep telling to my self..i am words can hurt**duh! talk to the hand**

~~post kali ini agak emo kerana ia lahir dari hati yg tgh emo...blame the hormones..hahaha ;P ~~